Rearrange info:
Rearrange in this order:
Dex, Int, Con, Str (you can swap con and str if you want)
Dex, Str, Int, Con (Better Backstab, Stealing)
Directions to guild:
From North gate of Lirath:
n;n;n;n;nw;n;n;w;w;w;s;s;s;s;s;door;coffin;dark portal;w;n
To get out, near Great Oak:
- Runs off covert.stealth
- You get it at lvl 20 over all
Skill: Backstab
Usage: backstab
Cost : 120
Minimum Level: 40th in covert.stealth
Current Rating: Very Good
Hidden Rating: Marvelous
Backstab is an attack command which allows you to apply your skill in
covert.stealth.stalking for a highly effective attack on a foe. You cannot be
in combat when you attempt to backstab, nor can you backstab a foe in combat.
You also get a bonus to this attack if you are hidden.
Skills you can use for backstab:
Weapon to Use:
Wish I knew.